View a company profile of Rheos Capital Works.

Company name

Rheos Capital Works Inc.


April 16th 2003

Head office adress

27th Floor Pacific Century Place Marunouchi 1-11-1,Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-6227 GOOGLE MAP

Domestic and Overseas office

New York Research Base600 Third Avenue, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10016 USA GOOGLE MAP

  • Investment advice is not rendered in this office.
    Rheos Capital Works is not soliciting or accepting U.S. clients at this time.
Business Activities

Investment Management Business
Investment Advisory and Agency Business
Type II Financial Instruments Business

Registration Number

Director of Kanto Local Finance Bureau No.1151


Japan Investment Advisers Association
The Investment Trusts Association, Japan
Fintech Association of Japan (FAJ)
The Financial Advisors Association of Japan


Representative Director, Chairman, President & CEO Hideto Fujino
Representative Director, Deputy President & COO Mitsuhiro Yuasa
Director & CCO Takeshi Nakamichi
Corporate Auditor Shuzo Takami
Corporate Auditor Osamu Takahashi


Tel:(+81) 3-6266-0124
Fax:(+81) 3-5220-3205

  • As of July 2024.